jquery easyui 1.2. 4
- menu: The menu position is wrong when scroll bar appears. fixed.
- accordion: Cannot display the default selected panel in jQuery 1.6.2. fixed.
- tabs: Cannot display the default selected tab panel in jQuery 1.6.2. fixed.
- menu: Allow users to disable or enable menu item.
- combo: Add 'delay' property to set the delay time to do searching from the last key input event.
- treegrid: The 'getEditors' and 'getEditor' methods are supported now.
- treegrid: The 'loadFilter' option is supported now.
- messager: Add 'progress' method to display a message box with a progress bar.
- panel: Add 'extractor' option to allow users to extract panel content from ajax response.
New Plugins
- searchbox: Allow users to type words into box and do searching operation.
- progressbar: To display the progress of a task.